What information is shared between Padlet and an LMS when using LTI?

What is shared between Padlet and an LMS service?

Padlet receives your email address, role on LMS, and, if available, name and username associated with your account on LMS. If you log into your LMS account using Google or Microsoft, we do not receive your Google/Microsoft password.

Once these details are received from the LMS on the initial login, an account will be automatically provisioned for you on Padlet for Schools. The account role on Padlet will match the user's role on LMS.

Right now, we associate LMS accounts with Padlet by email address, so it’s not possible to skip provisioning emails.

Subsequent logins via LMS

If your email address on the LMS changes and we are unable to find a corresponding email address, a new Padlet account will be created with your new LMS email address.

When an LMS user accesses their Padlet for Schools account

Padlet will try to find a corresponding account with the same email address as the LMS user. If an email is found that matches, we log the user into that Padlet account automatically.

Additional information

If you have an existing account on Padlet for Schools as a Student, but you hold a Teacher account on your LMS, upon initial login, Padlet will upgrade your role on Padlet for Schools from Student to Teacher.

LTI 1.3 only: We do not downgrade a Padlet user from Teacher to Student even if their role is detected as a Student on LMS.

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